there is abolutely no enjoyment like reading. i really love getting up in the morning, checking out the latest news, reading a lifestyle magazine while having breakfast, planning a new trip by spotting some insider tips of the Lonely Planet tour guides or just relaxing in bed & reading a good novel. well, as you can see there a so many differnt ways of reading & thousand kinds of books or articles or whatever to read. i feel better every time when diving into another world, not only to escape a bit from every day life but getting to know more about you & yourself. it is kind of a magical way of travelling, don’t you think ? & because i really like reading (& maybe you, too) i will give you some book recommandations .. my 4 all time favourite books:
1. Der Alchimist • Paulo Coelho: maybe you know this brazilian author, he wrote several worldwide known books & is known as a keen thinker who is always philosophising about the sense of life & the potential of humans. „Der Alchimist“ was the first book of him i read .. with about 10 years. at that time i didn’t really know what to think about the story, i liked it but could not find its message. so then i read & read it again & again .. the story of Santiago .. a man following his dream in only company of a few sheep. & finally i understood .. every step of him was nothing more than getting closer to his own aim .. the one thing he really wanted to find & he did it. a fascinating journey through the mind of ourselves.
2. Die Analphabetin, die rechnen konnte • Jonas Jonasson: a super funny, crazy & captivating novel !! a story about a young african girl getting out of all the dust, poverty & suppression. quite a serious topic but i can swear to you: you won’t stop laughing .. the author is describing the differnet situations & sudden turns in such an ironic way .. it’s perfect for everyone who likes black humor .. you will love it !!
3. Das Café am Rande der Welt • John Strelecky: a book i think everyone should have read once in a lifetime. with each chapter you will get to know a new life lesson, you will start to think about your own way of life, about where you made it so far & what may be your future & you will defenitely change a bit of your life. a simple story, easy to read .. contains that much of inspiration. so doesn’t matter if you are on vacations or if you just hang around at home .. take your time to read this small book .. maybe you will understand me better after reading it. by the way there is a sequel, too. i can just highly recommend this book .. but let me warn you: you may get the travel bug & your travel destination may be Hawaii !!
4. Die Flecken des Leoparden • Kristopher Jansma: last but not least my absolutely fav novel. a book i could read again as soon as i finished it. New York, art, lifestyle & love .. all in one .. all you need. i actually can’t even explain what’s exactly happening because it is so much, so complex, a whole new world to discover. i really don’t know how you can imagine all these details as an author. furthermore i love the writing style of Jansma .. direct, ironic but profound.