next stop: `Mendoza´ – city of mucho vino !! we went there by bus and had the chance to see the highest mountain of south america on our way: `Aconcagua´ .. full of snow and ice and just huge !! from `Mendoza´ we took a flight to a place i’ve been really looking forward to getting there: `Buenos Aires´ baby !! we discovered this amazing city for around one week and there’s still much more to see. our hostal was located in `San Telmo´ – the quarter of Buenos where you can find the hippest bars, modern museums and a lot of fancy bookstores – sounds like a perfect place to be right ? but we also visited the areas around our sweet home: `La Boca´ with its great harbour promenade and one of the most famous museums in Argentina: the `PROA Foundation´ right beside the colorful `Caminito´ where tango was born. the other day we went to the center of Buenos: `La Plaza de Mayo´ where you are surrounded by pretty old but imposing buildings of the `Ministerios de defensa o economia´. they have golden doors by the way so money is not the problem i think. furthermore we visited the `Malba museum´ in `Palermo´ and joined a free walking tour through `Recoleta´ which was really interesting. so as you can see we had a lot to do here and were lucky when we got back to the `Mercado de San Telmo´ where we enjoyed the evening atmosphere with campari orange, gin tonic and tapas !! for new years eve we moved to another hostel in `Palermo´ (not Sizilia but a really relaxed and nice quarter in Buneos) where we took a short timeout from culture and city tours and just hang around a bit, played pool and planned our next steps. so when visiting Argentina `Buenos Aires´ is a must go – big city life mixed up with beautiful park areas and culture all around accompanied by really special and good food !! beside `New York´ city i can name it one of my fav places so far .. maybe because Buenos is also called the `New York´ of south america .. and i can just confirm this !!