as you might have already seen i have been to Amsterdam the last few days !! i just wanted to see my favourite city again after three years .. and it was absolutely worth it !! me & my boyfriend stayed at a cowzy wood cabin in A’dam Noord – a perfect place to calm down from stressy roadrunner walks through the city. always concerned about getting hit by a bike .. because you know in Amsterdam it’s bikes first !! anyway i still love this city to the fullest .. the international flair even if it is quite a small town, the relaxed atmosphere all around, the good coffeshops (where you just drink coffee .. know what i mean :)) & the high quality of lifestyle .. no matter what you do in A’dam you feel on the right place there. furthermore i really like the high rate of educational institutions like museums, galleries or other exhibitions. we visited for example the ‚Body Worlds‘ which was pretty amazing !! what i also value about this city is the laissez-faire style which is pretty widespread. no matter if spending the sunsets in a café drinking Mojito, chilling in the Vondelpark or just cruising through the ‚Grachten‘ .. the people just enjoy, don’t think too much, they live !! what sounds so simple actually means a lot of practice & energy to us nowadays. living in the moment, letting stress & work go & facing your own luck challenges us every day .. a challenge which should encourage us !! LOVE LIFE aounds like a fucking hippie parade song but it’s true. so if you need some energy reload, some time out .. go to Amsterdam, spend some days there & afterwards you will feel a 100 % better .. i swear !!